Julia Voce

Contemporary Performance Maker

It’s been quite a lot about the sing along…

I’m Julia. Also known widely as Jools.

​I’ve been creating theatrical encounters, leading sing alongs and dance offs; encouraging people to sing, dance, get their knees up; to be sacred, stupid and silent; to laugh, connect and commune through performances, rituals and workshops, for over twenty years. I have mostly done this in London, Berlin and Brighton.

I have been funded by Arts Council England (Ishbel and I) commissioned by Festivals (LIFT, Bestival and Camp Bestival) museums (V&A, Museum of London) Schools (too many to mention) and theatre companies (London Bubble, Broadway Barking, Hoxton Hall)

​I live for a group of people singing, dancing laughing, crying- or being silent- together.

I learned much of what I know on the dancefloor, in fields, under canvas, lost in the woods and as part of cult variety outfit Underbling and Vow, as resident artist at London Bubble and Mulberry School for Girls and as a student of Thomas Pratki et al, at LISPA in London and ArtHaus Berlin.

Julia Voce